alpine dairy/snack bar

Zwieselbach Alm


alpine dairy/snack bar · Hütte/Alm mit Bike erreichbar · Tiroler Küche/Österreichische Küche


The Zwieselbachalm lies a piece behind the Schweinfurter Hut, in the middle of the Ötztal mountains. 

Hiking path:

Parking: parking lot Sennhof Niederthai (next to the Information office)
Start the hike at parking lot Sennhof in Niederthai. Follow the forest trail along Horlach Brook into Horlachtal, past the mountain huts of Larstigalm, Kleinhorlachalm, Großhorlachalm and Schweinfurter Hütte further to the Zwieselbachalm.
Altitude gain: 513
Duration: 2,5 hours (up & down 4,5 hours)
Return: same route, from the Larstigalm "Bergmahder trail or Grastal trail" possible

Opening hours

Open in summer

open only in the summer months


Zwieselbach Alm

The Zwieselbachalm lies a piece behind the Schweinfurter Hut, in the middle of the Ötztal mountains. 

Hiking path:

Parking: parking lot Sennhof Niederthai (next to the Information office)
Start the hike at parking lot Sennhof in Niederthai. Follow the forest trail along Horlach Brook into Horlachtal, past the mountain huts of Larstigalm, Kleinhorlachalm, Großhorlachalm and Schweinfurter Hütte further to the Zwieselbachalm.
Altitude gain: 513
Duration: 2,5 hours (up & down 4,5 hours)
Return: same route, from the Larstigalm "Bergmahder trail or Grastal trail" possible

6441 Niederthai