Toboggan run Horlachtal - Niederthai

Ötztal Verified partner
Rodelbahn Horlachtal NiederthaiPhoto: Ötztal
If you want you can also walk from Niederthai the signposted "Grastal Trail" to the Larstigalm and from there further to Schweinfurter Hut. The Grastal Trail will be also prepare.
The tobboggan run Horlachtal is open from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm.
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Track types
Rest stops
LarstigalmSchweinfurter Hut
Safety information
Please pay attention to the current weather- & avalanche report: &
The Ötztal Tourismus team will be happy to inform you personally about the nature of the toboggan runs.
Oetztal tourism
T +43 57200 400
Tips and suggestions
More information about tobogganing can be found hereRoadbook
If you want you can walk also from Niederthai the "Grastal Trail" to the Larstigalm and from there further to the Scheinfurter Hut. The Grastal Trail will be also prepare.
The tobboggan run Horlachtal is open from 9:00 am till 5:00 pm.
Public transport
Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or out local taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here: http://fahrplan.vvt.atDirections
The car drive to the Ötztal valley. Situated in Tirol, the Ötztal valley set off in southerly direction and is the longest side valley in the Eastern Alps. The journey with the car leads you through the Inntal valley to the entrance of the vallly and further on through the valley. Among the toll motorways you can also use the country roads. A route planner will show you the easiest and most convenient way:
In Niederthai the following parking facilities are available:-
car park "Sennhof" | one day ticket for cars € 5,00, fee required from 7:00 am till 6:30 pm | more day ticket possible | the car park for people with handicap is free, please deposit your handicap ID apparent in your car | Buses park for free
Author’s map recommendations
- winter hiking map Umhausen-Niederthai
Appropriate equipment such as breathable outdoor clothing adapted to the weather, wind, rain, snow and sun protection, hat and gloves, as well as sturdy shoes is required. It is necessary to take a first-aid kit and a mobile phone with you, as well as sufficient provisions for tours where there is no possibility to stop for refreshments.Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
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