3 Rundloipe Huben - Längenfeld

Ötztal Verified partner
Vom Sportplatz in Huben geht es rund 800 m Richtung Längenfeld, danach sich rechtshaltend wieder zurück nach Huben. Ausgezeichnete Ausblicke auf die umliegende Bergwelt warten auf die Läufer:innen.

Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Track types
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Genusslokal - Hotel AlpenblickBakery Fiegl
miniM Huben
Tips and suggestions
More details about cross-country skiing in Ötztal: https://www.oetztal.com/cross-country-skiingPublic transport
Travel comfortably and safely by train. Endstation or exit point is the station ÖTZTAL. Then you drive comfortably and quickly by public transport or thelocal taxi company through the entire valley to your desired destination. The current bus timetable can be found at: http://fahrplan.vvt.at
The drive to the ÖTZTALArriving by car leads holidaymakers over the Inntal to the valley entrance and further along the Ötztal. In addition to the motorway can also be used on rural roads. With the route planner, your journey can be quickly and easily determined. To the route planner: https://www.google.at/maps
The following parking facilities are available:Soccer field Huben - free
Cross-country skis - skating skis
Cross country poles of suitable lengt
Cross country boots - precise fit, give a firm grip and fit snugl
Clothing - Functional underwear with long arms and legs, special running tights and tight pants, water repellent and breathable jacket recommended
Gloves should provide a firm grip and optimal stick guidance
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
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