Treasure hunt village round Ochsengarten

Ötztal Verified partner
Ochsengarten SpielplatzPhoto: Martin Muigg-Spörr, Ötztal
Short circular walk in Ochsengarten through the forest. On the right-hand side above the river through the forest and after crossing the road on the left-hand side back to the children's playground.
Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature on this easy circular trail, which takes you through the fragrant forest along the picturesque Nederbach stream. After crossing the road that leads to Kühtai, you continue your journey on the other side, towards Ochsengarten. At the end of this idyllic path, the enchanting playground at the Ochsenbrunnen fountain awaits you, a perfect place to end the hike in a relaxed manner.
How to find your treasure? Following the marked route you will discover small caches (treasure boxes). Each cache contains a sheet with secret letters written on it. Write these letters into the right box of your treasure hunting map. Only those who have found all secret letters are able to compose the code word. Knowing the code word, you can pick up a small present atthe Information Ochsengarten, Oetz or Infopoint Ötztal. The valley route along Ochsengarten is about 3 km long, walking time 1.5 hours. The route is suitable for prams.
Author’s recommendation
The children's playground is well worth a visit.

Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Track types
Safety information
Cross the main road once - please be careful here.
Start at the parking lot after the information point on the right-hand side and walk to the bridge. Walk over the bridge and round a bend towards the forest.
Here you should look for the first cache. This is located on the right-hand side in the forest. As soon as you have found the cache and noted the letters, take a leisurely walk through the forest. The path is very wide, so that even a baby carriage can be pushed without any problems.
You will soon reach cache two. Look out for the large tree that you can see from a distance. Cache two is also on the right-hand side, but not directly on the path. You have to go into the bushes.
After cache two, you will soon come to a crossroads - please stay left here and keep close to the stream (Nederbach). After a short distance, you get closer and closer to the stream and a wooden bridge follows. But stop, before you cross it please don't forget to look for cache 3. Put it back in its place, cross the bridge and then cross the main road to the other side. Follow this road back through the forest towards Ochsengarten village. The wide forest path runs close to the main road, but is still in the forest. You will soon come to a bench and a small bridge leading into the forest. Look for the last cache here to get your treasure.
After cache 4 it is not far and you come to a large forest playground.
At the end, you can collect your treasure from the Ochsengarten information point.
Public transport
By bus to Ochsengarten
Take the B186 to Oetz and from there the Kühtaistraße L237 to Ochsengarten.
Park at the cable car in the village or in the small parking lot on the right after the Ochsengarten information office.
Hiking boots or sneakers, snack and drink
Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
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