Lift-Assisted Hike: Gaislachkogl

Ötztal Verified partner
Hike: Gaislachkogl middle station - Gaislachkogl top station - Sölden
Von der Mittelstation der Gaislachkoglbahn führt ein breiter Schotterweg hinauf über die Skipiste zum Gaislachkogl. Dort wo die Almwiesen blühen, trifft man auf heimische Weidetiere wie Schafe, Kühe und Pferde. Entlang der idyllischen Berghänge, die im Winter als Skipiste kaum wiederzuerkennen sind, führt der Weg hinauf und über das Wasserkar zum Gaislachkogl. Diese schöne, mittelschwierige Wanderung bietet ein authentisches Bergerlebnis mit einer grandiosen Aussicht entlang der Strecke

Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
Track types
Show elevation profileRest stops
ice Q Gourmet Restaurant at 3048 mSafety information
Moderate mountain trail; for sure-footed and experienced hikers. Good physical condition, mountain experience & mountain equipment (see notice equipment) necessary. Please pay attention to the current weather report:Roadbook
Von der Mittelstation der Gaislachkoglbahn führt oberhalb ein breiter Schotterweg über die Skipiste hinauf. Am Ende des Weges wandert man rechts, unter der Gaislachkoglbahn hindurch, dem steilen Hang ins Wasserkar hinauf. Am Bergrücken wandert man dem langen Grat entlang, bis zur Bergstation der Gaislachkoglbahn. An der Gaislachkoglbahn angekommen, folgt man weiter einem felsigen Steig vorbei am Restaurant Ice Q und der Erlebniswelt 007 ELEMENTS zum Gipfelkreuz des Gaislachkogls.
Public transport
Travel safe and comfortable with the train to the Ötztal Bahnhof train station. Last stop and exit point is the train station Ötztal Bahnhof. Afterwards you can travel smoothly and quick with the public transport or our local taxi companies through the valley to your desired destination. Please find the current bus timetable here: http://fahrplan.vvt.atDirections
The car drive to the Ötztal valley. Situated in Tirol, the Ötztal valley set off in southerly direction and is the longest side valley in the Eastern Alps. The journey with the car leads you through the Inntal valley to the entrance of the valley and further on through the valley. Among the toll motorways you can also use the country roads. A route planner will show you the easiest and most convenient way:
The following parking facilities are available in Sölden:
- Gaislachkoglbahn + underground garage
All parking is free during the day.
Parking for several days (eg hike tour):
- Postplatz, Parkticket available at the information Sölden
- Parkgarage Gaislachkoglbahn, Parkticket either online or directly at the cash desk of the Gaislachkoglbahn
Author’s map recommendations
Appropriate equipment such as breathable suitable outdoor clothes for the weather, ankle-high walking boots, wind-, rain- & sun protection, hat, possibly gloves, is for all hikes and tours necessary. Please bring a first-aid box, a mobile phone, a walking map and if there is no hut on the way a snack and enough to drink.Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.
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