“When people ask us how we are – we catch ourselves thinking about our vines. It is an intense relation, indeed. This year we can answer again: very good, thank you! It was a good summer for the vines. This will be a great wine year for Northern Tyrol.
There is no financial motivation behind making our wines. We have turned our hobby into a passion, which we can share with people – and that is a beautiful feeling. We have 1.8 hectares. For us, it’s the optimal size to still do what we love with a passion and an ease of mind. Sure, our vineyards are a challenge, but they are also deeply satisfying.
It’s a beautiful occupation. Most of the time, we are out in good weather and we watch and help our vines grow throughout the year. It’s a contemplative, meditative work. At the end of the day, you are nicely tired physically, but your mind is fresh and clean.