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For a healthy together

Covid-19 information & safety measures

We do everything to ensure a safe stay. But we also depend on your support. Which guidelines apply to you as a guest and which safety measures we have taken for a worriless vacation we will answer here.

Covid-19 update | Key facts at a glance

  • Regulation for infected persons: infected persons are allowed to leave home, traffic restrictions apply
  • FFP2 masks mandatory from the age of 14 - Mouth-nose protection from the age of 6:
    • in highly vulnerable areas (hospital, retirement and nursing homes)

This page is constantly being updated and completed.
Subject to change | Last update: 01 August 2022

Recommendations for you as a guest in Ötztal

Simple measures, great effects: we all know them by now, the hygienic coronavirus safety measures that everyone can and should pay attention to personally. Please always stick to it and thus protect yourself and others. #healthytogether

Cashless payment if possible

No shaking hands but perfect appreciation

Wash hands several times a day

Wear a FFP 2 mask/nose and mouth cover in signposted areas

Sneeze/cough into your elbow

Health: What to do in case of an infection?

If you develop symptoms of a COVID 19 illness (dry cough, fever, shortness of breath, loss of the sense of smell and/or taste, etc.) during your stay, please take a Covid test (antigen self-test or PCR-Gurgl test with laboratory result). If this test is positive, you will be subject to the traffic restrictions listed below. If you have any questions regarding your Corona disease, please feel free to call the health hotline 1450. Please also inform your host about your covid infection.

HERE you will find more information about what happens if you get sick during your holiday.

Traffic restrictions in case of a covid-19 infection:

  • Mask requirement when encountering others (exception: outdoors with two meters distance).
  • No entry of vulnerable facilities: Hospital, nursing homes and homes for the elderly (does not apply to employees).
  • The duration of the traffic restriction is valid for 10 days. After 5 days it's possible to test you free.

3G proof

If the “3 must have rule” is required for access, persons from 12 years and up need either a certificate of a negative Covid test, a valid vaccination or a recovery document.

The following regulations apply:


Vaccination certificate:

Currently there are five vaccines licensed in Austria: BioNTech/Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen Pharmaceutica NV and Novavax. Additional vaccines are currently under review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

The following periods of validity and guidelines apply to vaccination certificates:

  • if you have been vaccinated twice, your 3-G proof is valid for 270 days = 9 months from the day of the second vaccination. For children up to 18 years the proof is valid for an unlimited period of time.
  • if you have been vaccinated once, with a vaccine that requires only one dose, then your 3-G certificate is valid for 270 days = 9 months from the 22nd day after vaccination. For children up to 18 years of age, the certificate is valid for an unlimited period of time.
  • if you have been vaccinated once and had Corona before, then your 3-G proof is valid for 270 days = 9 months. The interval between illness and vaccination must be at least 21 days. For children up to 18 years of age, the certificate is valid for an unlimited period of time.
  • if you have been vaccinated twice and had Corona before, your 3-G certificate is valid for 365 days = 12 months.
  • if you have been vaccinated at least three times, your 3-G certificate is valid for 365 days = 12 months. The interval of the last vaccination must be at least 90 days.



  • if you have had Corona in the last 6 months = 180 days, then this counts as 3-G proof.
  • if you have been in quarantine for Corona disease in the last 6 months = 180 days, then this counts as 3-G proof.


Certificate of a negative Covid test:

  • if you have a negative PCR test from a competent authority, which is not older than 72 hours, then this is considered as 3-G proof.
  • if you have a negative antigen test from an competent authority, which is not older than 24 hours, then this is considered as 3-G proof.


PCR tests:

In Ötztal all residents, employees and guests will have the opportunity to take a free PCR test 5 times a month. The distribution and dispensing stations are located in the local supermarkets at SPAR and MPreis. It is a self-test (gargle test).

To participate, a one-time registration is necessary, then up to 5 PCR tests per month and per person can be collected and performed.

Instructions for the test procedure

SPAR M Ötztal Bahnhof
Bahnhofplatz 8
6430 Ötztal Bahnhof
Ötztaler Höhe 1
6430 Ötztal Bahnhof
SPAR SM Ötztaler Höhe
Ötztaler Höhe 19
6430 Ötztal Bahnhof
Dorfstrasse 53
6432 Sautens
Hauptstrasse 31
6433 Oetz
Kuehtaierstraße 2
6433 Oetz
Farchapuit 1
6441 Umhausen
Huben 3
6444 Längenfeld
SPAR Andreas Kratzer
Oberlängenfeld 38
6444 Längenfeld
Oberlängenfeld 103
6444 Längenfeld
Unterlaengenfeld 13a
6444 Längenfeld
SPAR Ennemoser OHG
Dorfstraße 9
6450 Sölden
Dorfstrasse 76
6450 Sölden
SPAR Ennemoser OHG*
Dorfstraße 67
6450 Sölden
Gurglerstrasse 99
456 Obergurgl
SPAR Josef Grüner e.U.
Ramolweg 11
6456 Obergurgl
Industriezone 32
6460 Imst
Industriezone 34
6460 Imst
Ing. Baller Strasse 1
6460 Imst
Langgasse 38
6460 Imst
Langgasse 76
6460 Imst
Langgasse 78/80
6460 Imst
Hauptstrasse 78
6464 Tarrenz
Michael Lung Weg 1
6424 Silz
Tirolerstraße 57a
6424 Silz
Lente 1
6423 Mötz
Zur Hängebrücke 1
6422 Stams
Dorf 7
6421 Rietz
Bundesstrasse 269 b
6414 Mieming
SPAR Stephan Plattner
Obermieming 177
6414 Mieming
SPAR SM Obsteig
Unterstrass 251
6416 Obsteig
Dorfstrasse 43
6471 Arzl im Pitztal
Dorf 31
6474 Jerzens
St. Margarethen 624
6473 Wenns
SPAR Schöpf-Sailer Andrea
Unterdorf 6
6473 Wenns

The Testing is free of charge for guests. Registration for an appointment for testing via tiroltestet.leitstelle.tirol

Covid-19 Testzentrum Roppen
Kultursaal, Kirchplatz 3
Tue, Thu, Sun 5.00 - 7.00 pm

Covid-19 Testzentrum Telfs
Inntalcenter Telfs, Anbau Süd - Obergeschoss
Mon - Fri 7.00 am - 4.00 pm
Sat, Sun, public holiday 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

Covid-19 Testzentrum Imst
Schwimmbadweg, Schwimmbadparkplatz
Mon - Fri 7.00 am - 5.00 pm
Sat, Sun, public holiday 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

Covid-19 Testzentrum Messe Innsbruck
Messehalle D, 1. Stock (Eingang Südseitig über die Ing. Etzel Straße.)
Mon - Fri 7.00 am - 4.00 pm
Sat, Sun, public holiday 8.00 am - 4.00 pm

There is also the possibility to obtain PCR tests from general practitioners and pharmacies. However, these are only available to a very limited extent. The costs for the collection and the evaluation are to be borne by the guest.

Here you can also find further helpful answers to frequently asked questions:

COVID-19 Dashboard, Tirol Werbung

Case Numbers, travel warnings and the traffic situation at a glance.

More details


The most important questions and answers about holidays in times of Corona

More details


Safe hospitality: the most important questions & answers concerning Covid-19

More details

Despite the greatest possible accuracy, we cannot guarantee completeness and correctness of data. The communication channels provided by Ötztal Tourismus in no way replace official information channels or legal regulations. Since the situation concerning travel warnings can change very quickly, please inform yourself about the currently applicable regulations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in your home country.


If you have any questions, please contact us by phone T +43 57 200-0 from Monday to Friday, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm, Saturday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; by e-mail at info@oetztal.com or on our social network pages. (Facebook | Instagram)

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