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Regional, seasonal, honest cuisine – whatever is available is enough!

The motto is – living without overabundance! But enjoyment and top quality are by no means neglected, quite the opposite. Under the "Genussplatzlen" (fine culinary spots) we have committed partner businesses that rely on the Ötztal and Tyrolean products whenever possible and only extend the "procurement radius" in exceptional cases. For example, to the wine regions of South Tyrol or to the productive farmland and horticultural areas of Austria. In addition to the culinary delights, the "Platzlen" are pure enjoyment in themselves. Because they do without unnecessary frills, such as WLAN or music on terraces and in guest lounges. All that counts here is the genuine Ötztal ambience, deceleration and our Alpine nature - an all-round package for your enjoyable relaxation.


Conscious mountain cuisine

In addition to certification for “Bewusst Tirol” (Consciously Tirol), our very special and outstanding requirements must also be met. The list of criteria is comprehensive, using regional products only in some cases doesn't count at all - the overall performance has to be correct! What does it mean? All types of meat and fish must be sourced regionally, this also applies to other products such as drinks, dairy products as well as fruit and vegetables. And if certain ingredients are not available or the stock has been used up, there will be shortages or even alternative dishes because we just use what is available. Doing without certain things while striving for culinary enjoyment and top quality is also possible in the catering industry.



Who or what are Fine Culinary Spots?

Quite a lot of requirements, right? Yes indeed, that’s why only partner businesses are represented that don't just write about regionality but really put their heart and soul into it. Additionally, every partner offers "eppas Bsunders" (Something Special) - their own personal, in-house specialty dish: you can only find out what it is when you visit the place, because if you cook seasonally and regionally you have to be quite flexible.

Our Fine Culinary Spots – certified partner businesses

Armelen Hütte


Scenic Armen Hütte has always been privately run by the same family! Since 2018, Anton and Viktoria have been managing the mountain hut in the 3rd generation while the 4th generation is already in the starting blocks thanks to daughter Lena.


Infos & Details

Erlanger Hütte


Lovely Erlanger Hütte was officially opened in 1931. Christian and Anita have now been hut tenants since 2008. They are always accompanied by dog Mia and son Jakob, who was up here for the first time when he was just three weeks old.  


Infos & Details



Rustic Brandalm is not actually a mountain hut, as it is serviced all year round and located quite close to the valley floor. It has been owned by the Jordan family since 1997 and is now run in the 2nd generation by Mathias and Felicitas together with their parents and their three children.


Infos & Details

Is Wiesle


Ancient Is Wiesle was first mentioned in historical documents in 1646. The owners changed frequently, once it was even owned by the Vent parish. Since 2021, Fabio and Michaela and their 2 daughters have been tenants and hosts. Wiesle is also open in winter!


Infos & Details

Frischmann Hütte


Frischmann Hütte was built in the wake of the rise of alpine tourism, because alpinists also needed accommodation at higher altitudes. Four years ago, Selina Klotz took over scenic Frischmann Hütte when she was just 20 years old.


Infos & Details

Stabele Alm


It is proven that Stabele Alm has been used for livestock farming and haymaking since the Middle Ages. It is now a popular destination for hikes and e-bike tours. Since 2002, Marisa has been running the hut together with her husband Benny and their children.


Infos & Details
  Austria Tirol Ötztal
Meat & Fish      
Beef/veal, lamb/kid, venison, fish   MUST SOULD
Dairy products      
Beer/shandy MUST
or 100 km radius
if outside the
national border
At least 1 beer  
or 100 km radius
if outside the
national border
At least 1 beer  
Soft drinks   MUST  
Aperitif ,,own creation''   MUST  
Dry product range      
Fruit, vegetables, eggs & pasta MUST be used seasonally & sourced locally

Further criteria



  • Concept communication of Fine Culinary Spots
  • Label of rigin
  • Historical reference of the mountain hut
„Eppas bsunders“ : an in-house special dish x  
Vegetarian dish x  


  • No music on terrace and in dining rooms
  • No WIFI on terrace and in dining rooms
Fair Trade   x
Raising awareness/conveying
values: e.g. correct behavior on mountain pastures, hiking with dogs, …
Authentic, sustainable decoration   x