
Hütten · Glutenfreie Gerichte · Laktosefreie Gerichte · Tiroler Herkunft · Tiroler Küche/Österreichische Küche · Vegane Gerichte · Vegetarische Gerichte


Beautiful mountain hut with traditional flair, homely wooden parlor, wood-fired stove. Excellent Tirolean meals. Wonderful high Alpine location right next to Wettersee mountain lake

Hiking paths:

- from Umhausen (1031 m) approx. 5 h via Vordere Leierstalalm (1798 m) along a new trail (landslide!)
or by taxi to the trail below Vordere Leierstalalm - approx. 2.5 h
- from Tumpen (937 m) via Gehsteigalm (200 m), approx. 5 h
or by taxi to Gehsteigalm, approx. 3 h
- from Roppen/Oberinntal (706 m) approx. 2 h to serviced Maisalm (1634 m, privately owned), then on Forchheimer trail, approx. 6 h

Taxi Scharfetter, Phone +43 (0) 5255 5858

Peak Tours: Wildgrat, Kreuzjöchlspitze, Fundusfeiler
Crossings: Ludwigsburger Hütte, Frischmannhütte, Hochzeigerhaus

- beds (8)
- mattresses (40)
- Tirolean cooking using regional ingredients
- specialty: lamb roast, ragout of wild goat
- Member of DAV campaign "Taste of the Mountains"

The Erlanger Hütte is one of the fine culinary spots ("Genussplatzlen"). "Regional, seasonal, honest cuisine - whatever is available is enough!" - is the motto. The "Genussplatzlen" include commited businesses that act regionally and sustainably whenever possible. Find out more at www.oetztal.com/genussplatzlen

Opening hours

Open in summer


Erlanger Hut

Beautiful mountain hut with traditional flair, homely wooden parlor, wood-fired stove. Excellent Tirolean meals. Wonderful high Alpine location right next to Wettersee mountain lake

Hiking paths:

- from Umhausen (1031 m) approx. 5 h via Vordere Leierstalalm (1798 m) along a new trail (landslide!)
or by taxi to the trail below Vordere Leierstalalm - approx. 2.5 h
- from Tumpen (937 m) via Gehsteigalm (200 m), approx. 5 h
or by taxi to Gehsteigalm, approx. 3 h
- from Roppen/Oberinntal (706 m) approx. 2 h to serviced Maisalm (1634 m, privately owned), then on Forchheimer trail, approx. 6 h

Taxi Scharfetter, Phone +43 (0) 5255 5858

Peak Tours: Wildgrat, Kreuzjöchlspitze, Fundusfeiler
Crossings: Ludwigsburger Hütte, Frischmannhütte, Hochzeigerhaus

- beds (8)
- mattresses (40)
- Tirolean cooking using regional ingredients
- specialty: lamb roast, ragout of wild goat
- Member of DAV campaign "Taste of the Mountains"

The Erlanger Hütte is one of the fine culinary spots ("Genussplatzlen"). "Regional, seasonal, honest cuisine - whatever is available is enough!" - is the motto. The "Genussplatzlen" include commited businesses that act regionally and sustainably whenever possible. Find out more at www.oetztal.com/genussplatzlen

6441 Umhausen