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"Umhauser Larchzieh´n" 2025

Village centre of Umhausen (Umhausen)
On 16. February 2025 at 10:30


Since 2000, the ‘Larchzieh'n’ has been held every 5 years to the delight of all Umhausen residents, but above all to the delight of the bachelors.

10:30 am - Early morning pint on the school square 
1:00 pm - Start of the procession/car dealer Kapferer & Kapferer | 1st stop ‘village court’ | 2nd stop ‘Büebmhochzeit’
approx. 3:00 pm - the Larch is drawn, followed by a wood auction
Entertainment from 5:00 pm with DJ MISTA TWO, Catering SAT & SUN 11er Culinary bus

Ticket prices: Advance booking at the Raiffeisen banks in Längenfeld, Umhausen and Oetz from 03.02.2025 € 8.00 | Normal price on Larch drawing day
€ 9.00 | Children up to the age of one zeppin - free of charge 

Parking spaces: P1 - Parking lot at the town entrance of Umhausen | P2 - Parking lot at Mpreis | P3 - Parking lot at Hofer | P4 - Parking lot at Bischoffsplatz

Larchwachen party in the heated marquee on Saturday, 15.02.2025 from 6:00 pm

Thanks to innovative ideas and the commitment of the organisation team, the event was event received the coveted GREEN EVENT TIROL basic award.

Among other things, a cooperation agreement was concluded with VVT. All visitors who come to the Larchwachen party on Saturday 15.02.2025 or
on Sunday 16th February 2025 to the Larchziehn with the bus line 320 (Gurgl - Umhausen - Imst) will receive a FREE return ticket.
The ‘EVENTTICKET’ can be generated under the following link:

Closure of the Local Durchfahrt (Main Road) in Umhausen | Ötztal Bus: Due to the road closure through the center of Umhausen, a replacement bus stop for the buses traveling into and out of the valley has been set up at the Kapferer & Kapferer gas station.

Regiotax Umhausen-Niederthai: The Regiotax Umhausen-Niederthai will operate on Sunday, February 16th, only from Niederthai to the stop "Umhausen Am Tauferberg" (Bischoffsplatz parking lot) and back.
Departure times from the "Umhausen Am Tauferberg" stop to Niederthai: 9:50 am | 11:20 am | 1:58 pm | 4:50 pm | 5:50 pm.


"Umhauser Larchzieh´n" 2025

Since 2000, the ‘Larchzieh'n’ has been held every 5 years to the delight of all Umhausen residents, but above all to the delight of the bachelors.

10:30 am - Early morning pint on the school square 
1:00 pm - Start of the procession/car dealer Kapferer & Kapferer | 1st stop ‘village court’ | 2nd stop ‘Büebmhochzeit’
approx. 3:00 pm - the Larch is drawn, followed by a wood auction
Entertainment from 5:00 pm with DJ MISTA TWO, Catering SAT & SUN 11er Culinary bus

Ticket prices: Advance booking at the Raiffeisen banks in Längenfeld, Umhausen and Oetz from 03.02.2025 € 8.00 | Normal price on Larch drawing day
€ 9.00 | Children up to the age of one zeppin - free of charge 

Parking spaces: P1 - Parking lot at the town entrance of Umhausen | P2 - Parking lot at Mpreis | P3 - Parking lot at Hofer | P4 - Parking lot at Bischoffsplatz

Larchwachen party in the heated marquee on Saturday, 15.02.2025 from 6:00 pm

Thanks to innovative ideas and the commitment of the organisation team, the event was event received the coveted GREEN EVENT TIROL basic award.

Among other things, a cooperation agreement was concluded with VVT. All visitors who come to the Larchwachen party on Saturday 15.02.2025 or
on Sunday 16th February 2025 to the Larchziehn with the bus line 320 (Gurgl - Umhausen - Imst) will receive a FREE return ticket.
The ‘EVENTTICKET’ can be generated under the following link:

Closure of the Local Durchfahrt (Main Road) in Umhausen | Ötztal Bus: Due to the road closure through the center of Umhausen, a replacement bus stop for the buses traveling into and out of the valley has been set up at the Kapferer & Kapferer gas station.

Regiotax Umhausen-Niederthai: The Regiotax Umhausen-Niederthai will operate on Sunday, February 16th, only from Niederthai to the stop "Umhausen Am Tauferberg" (Bischoffsplatz parking lot) and back.
Departure times from the "Umhausen Am Tauferberg" stop to Niederthai: 9:50 am | 11:20 am | 1:58 pm | 4:50 pm | 5:50 pm.

Roßlachgasse 15
6441 Umhausen